Eventually I broke down and ended up having to put my dog down.

Eventually I broke down and ended up having to put my dog down.

If you think you’ve experienced guilt or pressure before there’s nothing like the vet telling you that your furry best friend’s life can be saved as long as you’re willing to spend more money than I spent on my first car. If something goes really wrong, it seems like all of the options are expensive….

I place a much higher priority on my pets health than my own.

I place a much higher priority on my pets health than my own.

After having multiple dogs over forty years of being an adult and owning pets I’ve learned something about myself. I place a much higher priority on my pets health than my own. I’m certain that’s not a good thing for me but it’s real. I only get the best food, treats and toys for my…

My dog broke a leg and tore its ACL playing at the dog park.

My dog broke a leg and tore its ACL playing at the dog park.

I’ve always really loved dogs but back in 2009 I thought pet insurance kind of looked like a scam. I thought that I was also someone that if faced with vets bills that would be financially a disaster, I’m the guy that puts his dog down no matter how difficult that is. Then it happened….

We need $9,000 or we’re not going to wake the vet.

We need $9,000 or we’re not going to wake the vet.

Things were getting serious between my girlfriend and I, we had dogs together. It was 1am Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend and we had just finished packing to meet her family for a week long vacation. I had let my 1 year old Great Dane outside to potty one last time before bed, but…

The Cautionary Tail of Pet Insurance for Maximus Jr.

The Cautionary Tail of Pet Insurance for Maximus Jr.

If you think getting a puppy and not getting pet insurance immediately is a good idea, think again. I got an 8-week-old Rottweiler and thought I had time to get pet insurance once he was a little older. I felt good about that decision because he came with AKC paperwork showing that he is from…

Does pet insurance cover illnesses?

Does pet insurance cover illnesses?

Yes, pet insurance policies generally cover illnesses. This includes conditions such as infections, digestive issues, allergies, respiratory problems, and more. Diagnostic tests, treatments, medications, and hospitalization related to covered illnesses are typically included. It’s important to review the policy terms to see if such conditions are covered. Illness treatments that your pets may encounter can…

Does pet insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

Does pet insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

No, pet insurance generally does not cover pre-existing conditions. Pre-existing conditions are illnesses or injuries that exist before enrolling in the insurance policy. It’s important to disclose any pre-existing conditions during the enrollment process, as they are typically excluded from coverage. Failure to report pre-existing conditions at enrollment can cause delays in claims processing and…

Does pet insurance cover routine or preventive care?

Does pet insurance cover routine or preventive care?

Some pet insurance providers may offer optional coverage for routine or preventive care as a wellness policy. These wellness policies typically cover routine preventative care including vaccinations, wellness exams, flea and tick prevention, spaying/neutering, dental cleanings, and more. Generally, wellness policies do not require you to meet your deductible and do not have a waiting…

Does pet insurance cover accidents?

Does pet insurance cover accidents?

Yes, pet insurance typically covers accidents, including injuries resulting from accidents such as broken bones, lacerations, or ingestion of foreign objects. Veterinary expenses related to diagnosing and treating accidents, such as x-rays, blood tests, surgery, or prescription medication are generally covered. There are a few common accidents that pets may be at risk for in…