Does pet insurance cover pre-existing eye conditions?

Eye conditions may affect your pet at different times in their lives, most commonly developing as your pet ages. Pet insurance will provide coverage for major and minor illnesses, which does include most eye conditions. However, if your pet has signs, symptoms, or an existing diagnosis when you enroll into a pet insurance policy, these will be considered pre-existing and not eligible for coverage. Another important consideration is understanding if your pets eye condition is a bilateral condition, meaning it is likely to affect both sides, such as glaucoma. Some pet insurance policies have a bilateral condition exclusion and won’t cover a second limb or eye once the first has been affected so it’s important to review the policy details carefully to understand your coverage.

However, some eye conditions are congenital and not illnesses that develop over your pets lifetime. Congenital and hereditary conditions are conditions that your pet is born with. It’s important to remember that congenital conditions are present from birth, even if symptoms show up later on in life. These conditions don’t quite fall under the “illness” or accident” categories and many insurance policies offer coverage for congenital and hereditary conditions to fill in the gaps.

Can you get pet insurance retroactively?

Pet insurance can be purchased anytime however coverage cannot be provided retroactively. If your pet exhibits signs of an illness or injury prior to obtaining the policy or during the waiting period, it is classified as a pre-existing condition and is generally not eligible for coverage.

Please note that specific coverage details and exclusions may vary depending on the insurance provider and the policy you choose. It’s essential to carefully read the policy terms, ask questions to the insurance provider, and ensure you understand the coverage and limitations before enrolling in a pet insurance policy.