Does pet insurance cover medications?

Yes, pet insurance policies often cover prescription medications that are necessary for the treatment of covered conditions. Medications commonly covered by pet insurance policies typically include antibiotics, pain medications, anti-inflammatories, and more. However, it’s important to review the policy details to understand medication coverage options as coverage can vary between insurance companies.

For example, some policies have a prescription formulary that will only cover the specific medications listed. Most insurance companies automatically cover prescription medications for covered conditions while others offer optional coverage for prescription medications for an additional monthly premium.

Routine preventative medications, including heartworm prevention, flea and tick treatments, as well as vaccinations, are usually not included in your coverage unless you purchase a wellness add-on policy. Another important note: Any medications prescribed to treat conditions or procedures that are excluded from your policy are also not eligible for coverage.

Examples Of Medications Commonly Prescribed

Antibiotics to treat skin infections or UTIs
Pain and/or anti-inflammatory medications for accidental cuts or abrasions
Prescription medications for Flea, Tick, and Heartworm (wellness policy only usually)
Daily preventative prescription medications
Supplements for joint or digestive health