Does pet insurance cover emergency veterinary visits?

Yes. In general, pet insurance policies cover emergency veterinary visits. These can include visits to an emergency clinic or hospitalization for urgent medical conditions or accidents. Some pet insurance policies will automatically cover emergency exam fees and emergency consultation fees while other pet insurance policies offer an optional coverage for exams and consultations for an additional monthly premium. However, in general, pet insurance policies will cover the treatment of urgent medical conditions and accidents.
For example, if your pet eats something they shouldn’t have, such as the squeaker or filling of their favorite stuffy, this could quickly have a negative impact on their health. These objects can become stuck or obstructed in your pets stomach or intestinal tract which is life-threatening if left untreated. Unfortunately, if an ingested object is stuck in your pets stomach or intestinal tract, they will require surgery to remove this object.
Without insurance you can expect to pay around $4,000 for diagnosing and treating an obstructive foreign object, but with insurance you can expect to save 70% of the cost!
Example Emergency Vet Bill For Surgical Removal Of An Ingested Foreign Object
Total Vet Bill $4,000 | You Pay This At Time Of Service Need help with up front expenses? Check out Vet Spend |
Insurance Coverage -$2,800 | Insurance Reimbursement (Here’s The Math) Total Vet Bill: $4,000 Your Deductible: – $500 Eligible For Reimbursement: = $3,500 Reimbursement Rate: x 80% = $2,800 |
Your Final Cost $1,200 | You Saved 70% With Insurance! |